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We are all Leaders


Dr. Jill's research in the relationship between leadership attitudes and actions advocates for a universal truth: We are all leaders. 

Using analytical tools, focus groups, personal interviews and tools, such as the Leadership Lexicon, Dr. Jill helps people understand their surprising strengths and unique leadership attributes. 

Connect with Dr. Jill to learn more about how creating, nurturing and developing leaders can contribute to employee retention, succession planning, organizational effectiveness and belonging at your business.

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The Leadership Lexicon invites self-assessment of personal leadership traits, helping people examine the characteristics that power their decisions, teams and lives. 

Leadership Lexicon data can be aggregated to aid senior leadership in better understanding mentoring relationships, collaborative opportunities and collective strengths of organizational work groups. 

Belonging is Essential

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Understanding the perspectives and experiences of others is essential to the decisions you make as an inclusive human and a leader.

We are born to belong; and, people committed to inclusion, collaboration, engagement and relationship-building report greater employee retention and increased innovation in their organizations.


From listening tours to leadership strategies, corporate culture to collaborative growth, Dr. Jill brings more than two decades of execution expertise to complex situations - helping you build powerful initiatives that grow belonging, promote diversity and enhance opportunity for all. 

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